Monday, April 5, 2010

Week 13

Well, this is a milestone week for Laura and the baby. This is the final week of the first tri-mester. With the first tri-mester being about rapid development, the second tri-mester is about growth. In this tri-mester, our baby will quadruple in size. What's going on in week 13? Well, the fingerprints have formed on our baby's tiny fingertips, their veins and organs are clearly visible through their still-thin skin, and their body is starting to catch up with their head — which makes up just a third of their body size now. Our baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.

Some other things that are taking place in Week 13:
**Bone is beginning to replace cartilage and the ribs are appearing.
**The nose and chin are well defined.
**Movements can be measured.
**The child will begin to learn to suck its thumb.
**The child can open and close its mouth.
**The external genitalia are well defined making it is possible to determine the
baby's gender.

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